ASMR for sleep
What do you do when you try to to relax? There are those who manage to relieve stress, anxiety or worries by observing a natural landscape, those who resort to guided and non-guided meditation techniques (such as yoga) and those who do it by listening to music. A constantly growing phenomenon is that of relaxation... Read More
The stress of daily life, between work and other commitments, easily distracts from taking care of oneself and especially when time is short, making healthy choices is not easy. Yet, little is needed to stay fit: eating healthy, sleeping enough, doing regular physical activity help, day after day, to balance body and mind. 7 Step to... Read More
benefits of meditation
Stress and negative thoughts go away and anxiety attacks go away. Body and mind, physical and mental health, which come together: science no longer has doubts about the enormous advantages of meditation. What is defined as mindfulness, the awareness of one’s own internal resources, is a truly magical power, not to be wasted, that we... Read More
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