The most important way to protect your body and mind against aging is to work out! That’s right: body and mind. Your brain’s primary purpose is to move your body, and a huge amount of your gray matter’s real estate is dedicated to exactly that job. If you want to keep learning and creating new... Read More
How do you know when you’re just having a hard time and are stressed out, or if it’s something more serious? When is it clinical depression? While a doctor is the only one who can make a qualified diagnosis, there are some signs and symptoms of depression that can signal your need to see a... Read More
It is very important to note that with any new undertaking, there will be questions and adjustments, and your mind will probably want to talk you out of it as well. If you persist and experiment, you will get to where you need to be with your meditation practice. Understand that meditation is not something... Read More
Hearing noise or ringing in the ears is tinnitus, which affects millions worldwide. Some have persistent tinnitus, while others have intermittent cases. A low hum or high-pitched buzz may be detected in one or both ears. The sound may sometimes be too loud to focus or sleep. Exercises for Tinnitus Several tactics and exercises may... Read More
Yoga is said to be good for your mental and physical health. This old method for awareness and slow movement helps balance and unity in all areas of life. We’ll talk about different types of yoga, places to practice, teachers, and tools. Next, we’ll discuss awareness, good balance, and regular exercise. You won’t get perfect... Read More
Exercise can indeed affect your sleep, and not always for the better. How, when, and where you exercise all have an impact on your sleep quality. Can Exercise Improve Sleep? Yes, exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. In fact, many experts point to this basic lifestyle adjustment as being key to sleep improvement.... Read More